Reminder: the first community information meetings on the $7 million capital referendum are tomorrow, February 18. Join us 6 p.m. at Riverview School. If that time doesn't work, there is also a drop-in district chat at Scully's Restaurant from 1-2 p.m. Please be informed.
1 day ago, Riverview School
Please Note...
3 days ago, Riverview School
Please Note
Come cheer on your Comets Sunday at 11:45 as they compete in the 9th Annual Comet Cheer Challenge!
4 days ago, Riverview School
Join Us for Career Day!
5 days ago, Riverview School
career Day
Come Cheer on Your Comets!
5 days ago, Riverview School
cheer comp flier
Join the Riverview Family - Teacher Substitutes Needed!
6 days ago, Riverview School
Employment Opportunity
Due to the national weather service issuing a weather warning for tomorrow we are closing school tomorrow, 2/12/25 for the day. We do this early so that families can plan for childcare needs. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the snow day.
7 days ago, Riverview School
Snow Day 2/12/25
Last Week's TOPS Recipients
9 days ago, Riverview School
Tops Recipients
Do you want to learn more about the $7 million capital referendum question on the April 1 ballot? Consider attending the in-person information meetings or the district chats to have your questions answered!
9 days ago, Riverview School
Referendum 2025
Please Note.....
10 days ago, Riverview School
Early Release Monday
Great Job Math 24!
12 days ago, Riverview School
Math 24
4 Year Old Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!
14 days ago, Riverview School
4 Year Old Kindergarten Registration Now Open
January Salute Award
15 days ago, Riverview School
Salute Award
1st Grade Perseveres
15 days ago, Riverview School
1st Grade
1st Grade
Join Our Riverview Family!
15 days ago, Riverview School
Now Hiring!
Join Our Riverview Family!
15 days ago, Riverview School
Now Hiring!
Join Our Riverview Family!
15 days ago, Riverview School
Now Hiring!
Last Week's TOPS Recipients
16 days ago, Riverview School
TOPS Winners
What happens if the $7 million capital referendum question on the April 1, 2025 ballot is approved? The District will borrow up to $7 million to pay for critical needs in the District in the following areas: updating campus and infrastructure; safety and security; and supporting student academic success by renovating classrooms and support areas. For more information, check out the District website.
16 days ago, Riverview School
Referendum 2025
Join Our Riverview Family - Health Room Aide Position Available
18 days ago, Riverview School
Health Room Aide Position Open