Student Illness

Sick children need to be at home.
Below is a list of guidelines to assist in the decision process:
When calling your student into school sick, please list their symptoms and if they have been tested or are positive for an illness. This assists in the monitoring of illnesses in our building.
If you can answer yes to any of these statements, your child should stay home from school. Please contact your child’s physician, diagnostic testing may be recommended.
My child has experienced the following symptoms in the last 24 hours
Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of smell or taste, Fever of 100.0 or higher, Diarrhea,or vomiting
or at least 2 of the following symptoms that are unusual or above student’s baseline:
Muscle pain/body aches
Sore Throat
Congestion or runny nose
You must remain at home until:
your child is fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication, AND
24 hours of symptom improvement
Your child should also remain home from school for the following reasons:
The first 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment for conditions such as strep throat, pink eye, etc.
Undiagnosed, new and/or untreated rash or skin condition (hives, wounds with drainage)
Doctor’s note requiring a student to stay home
Sometimes your child may be put on medications to treat their illness. Riverview School has a medication policy. Please contact the school health office for information regarding medications that need to be administered at school.