Riverview Allergy Management Plan
Riverview School cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment for our students. However, the district will make every reasonable effort to reduce exposure to any allergen (insect, food, latex, etc.) that the parents indicate as a concern.
An allergy is abnormal response to something triggered by the body’s immune system. That allergy can be mild (hives, itchy mouth, localized swelling, upset stomach) and treated with oral antihistamines, or it can cause anaphylaxis, a potentially life threatening reaction.
Since each student’s allergy and situation is different, an Individual Health Care Plan and Emergency Care Plan may be created for those students whose allergy has the potential to be life threatening. This information will be shared with the school staff who need to be aware of the student’s health condition.
The Board intends to adopt and maintain a plan for managing students with life-threatening allergies so as to permit each school to obtain a school prescription for epinephrine auto-injectors and to permit each school nurse and designated school personnel to administer them. Accordingly, the Board directs the school nursing staff in consultation with the District Administrator to develop a plan that meets the following:
specifies those designated school personnel that have agreed to receive training and that will be trained and authorized to perform the functions of the plan;
identifies the specific training program that will be implemented to prepare each school nurse and designated school personnel to identify the signs of anaphylaxis and to provide or administer epinephrine auto-injectors accordingly;
delineates the permissible scope of usage to include providing District-owned epinephrine auto-injectors to students who have a prescription on file with the school in the event the student is experiencing an anaphylactic event and/or administering epinephrine auto-injectors to such students, and/or administering epinephrine auto-injector treatment to any student, regardless of whether the student has a prescription on file or the staff member so trained is not aware of whether the student has a prescription on file, but believes in good faith the student is suffering from anaphylaxis, provided that the staff member immediately contacts emergency medical services;
identifies the number and type of epinephrine auto-injectors each school will keep on site and identifies a member of the nursing staff or other school official who will be responsible for maintaining the epinephrine auto-injectors supply;
is approved by a physician licensed in the State of Wisconsin;
notes that the school and any school nurse or designated school personnel that provide or administer epinephrine auto-injectors under this plan are immune from civil liability for any harm that may result, regardless of whether there is a parental or medical provider authorization, unless the administration was a result of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct;
is published on the District's website.
Revised 6/22/20
© Neola 2023
118.29, Wis. Stats; 118.291, Wis. Stats.; 118.292, Wis. Stats.; 118.2925, Wis. Stats.; 121.02, Wis. Stats.; PI 8.01(2)(g)
Wis. Admin. Code N 6.03
2009 Wisconsin Act 160