Craig Flater

Hello! My name is Craig Flater, and I have been teaching at Riverview for 24 years. I grew up in the northwestern Wisconsin town of Ladysmith. My intent when I started was the move back north to teach. However, things changed when I fell in love with Riverview, the area, and eventially my future wife. And as they say, the rest is history. I really enjoy spending time with my wife and my twin high school boys. I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can, whether it be hunting, fishing, or watching my boys play football or baseball. I have always been close with my family, both immediate and extended. As a result, at family events I spent a lot of time with the many younger cousins in my extended family. It was then that I knew that spending time helping, inspiring, and teaching children was something I wanted to do. Even to this day, my family impacts me as a teacher. Whether it's talks with my wife, who happens to be a principal, or just treating children the way I always hoped my own children were treated in school. Family has always been important ot me, and I am delighted to be a part of the Riverview family as well.